Premium Wood Products
Northland offers a premium line of wood products from sawdust to lumber. Click on the button below to view our full line.
Our vision is for a sustainable forest that can be used by generations upon generations of stakeholders. Our respect for the environment is evident in the processes we use and the services we provide.
The basis of our plan starts with a look at a full forest cycle of 100 years. We begin with a broad 20-year plan which is used to create a General Development Plan (GDP) that outlines Northland’s intended Forestry activities over a five-year period. The planning then proceeds to a more specific Preliminary Harvest Plan (PHP) and finally to a detailed Annual Operating Plan (AOP). It is through the AOP that the Alberta Government approves the current year’s forestry operations for quota holders. At each planning stage the government ensures companies and the industry as a whole are meeting their responsibilities as stewards of Alberta’s forests through a thorough review and approval process.
The last stage of planning is a Detailed Block Plan (DBP). Under the DBP, cut blocks are planned using industries best practices and the Northeast Alberta Operating ground rules. These rules are agreed upon by the industry and government to minimize the chance of negative effects from forest management operations and activities. The end result is forest management practices that seek to align with natural cycles and disturbances such as fire, disease, insect infestations, storms and natural aging.
Sustainable forest management practices help us maintain a more youthful, healthy, vibrant and sustainable forest for our communities and future Albertans. Through the application of silviculture and our dedication to forest sustainability, it ensures Albertans will benefit from this natural resource for generations to come.
Harvesting and hauling of timber from our forest management operations includes:
Consultation and collaboration with other land users such as oil and mineral exploration companies, First Nations, metis groups and hunters/trappers.
Harvesting is done in the winter as it is easier for trucks and equipment to haul when the ground is frozen. Muskeg, lakes and rivers are common throughout Alberta’s Boreal forest. These present a challenge both in terms of access and safety in warmer months with the latter being of emphasis in all our operations.
Spruce, pine and fir (SPF) trees are processed in to two usable forms: tree length (full sized tree) or cut to length (10-16 foot pieces). Processing includes delimbing and placing in piles (called log decks) to be loaded onto trucks. The trucks haul the logs to the mill yard where they are stockpiled for use in the sawmill.
Every log truck that comes into our yard must weigh their load on a scale. The information provided is used to calculate key data for our company and doubles as a truck and load safety inspection center.
After logging, the harvested areas are reforested within two years. The summer after an area is harvested, we plant 2 to 3 trees for every tree cut in that area. We return 4 to 8 years later to conduct regeneration surveys that tell us how the forest is growing. Regeneration surveys are used to ensure the number of trees and their height meets the growing criteria needed to pass guidelines set in place by the Government of Alberta. For 15 years Northlands will monitor the trees we plant to ensure a healthy forest is developing.
At the end of the reforestation process, free growing surveys are conducted to ensure that the reforested areas meet our obligations to the citizens of Alberta; the trees must meet height criteria which helps ensure the trees are no longer competing with surrounding plants and that they can continue to grow freely. If the areas are not growing as they should, Northland takes further measures to ensure seedlings meet the standards required by the Alberta Government. Once Northland has finished its reforestation process, the area will return to sustainable and lively Albertan forest.
Northland offers a premium line of wood products from sawdust to lumber. Click on the button below to view our full line.
Northland Forest Products Ltd. is committed to managing Alberta’s forest resources using world class forest stewardship.
If you would like to place an order or have a question about any of our products or services just click on the button below to go to our Contact Us page and give us a call.